Labels:rose | text | flower | floral design | vase | cut flowers | indoor OCR: er said he face trial for . men convicted of carried the possibil- prison but also recommended be be castrated if he e- placed on & form Spadden apparently Mikay ate Butler's sex drive ing the mption underlies most of the medreds of Letters as tion a part of the jy scial process. produce much, though of all, of a mas main hormone fueling he male sex d n can still have tis desire for it may deel' not, as folklore would Lion and stil ically, Rt, sudden! it is the result of e. frating boys puberty, a practice that produce- singers of the 17th and 18th centuries to researcher Philip Reilly, execut er Center for Mental Retardation i on was widely discussed in this co imposed on a convicted rapist in & ly time it has been legally imposes sent, Reilly said, although forced s or retarded people - male and fem is century. not the first time in modern times d or a defendant has volunteered to ng to tranqui But he said such voluntary ar- impractical, since it mely rare. over a lifetime. Defante why ro-castration activity two years require osstoring states introduced bills to allow On the other hand, Money and others point out, up n exchange for reductions in fects of surgical castration can be overcome by testoster injections. really by te cl opatra? Strato said Cloupatra da what to do about the Cepatra of a self-adounistered Goge hat moment little is legacy anchi said, because & Bianchi, who nas tes Over the cenu man populace, and searched Egypt's Green-Re- artists and pla ated Cleopatra for man period for 20 years from away from kis the Egyptian viewpoint, said it 's sister Octavia. is hard to know whether the 5 of Antony, ecame part of cover-up of how Cleans was deliberate politics and the det